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Holland enhances position in China

In october 2015, NBTC Holland Marketing will sign a strategic partnership with Alibaba, in the presence of Holland’s King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima, Jack Ma, owner of Alibaba, and Pieter Elbers, CEO of KLM. The objective of the cooperation is to create more brand awareness on Alitrip for the destination Holland and to encourage Chinese tourists and business visitors to visit Holland.


First European destination with strategic cooperation on Alitrip

Andrew van der Feltz, Business Development & Operations Director NBTC says: "We are very pleased to introduce Holland as the first European destination on Alitrip, one of China’s biggest digital travel platforms. We consider this a unique opportunity to reach millions of Chinese, taking advantage of each other’s strong brand names. The Chinese increasingly more often search for travel inspiration online and book their trips individually. Together with our partners, we will promote Holland to the Chinese  people who are fond of travelling on This allows us to enhance our position in China and to further our Holland branding and marketing strategies which aim to entice visitors to also visit lesser known parts of our country."

Promotional activities

NBTC and Alibaba will execute joint marketing campaigns on Alitrip to position Holland as a must-see destination. The promotional campaign will start on 11 November 2015, the date of an online shopping festival in China. On that date we will offer 10,000 travel packages to Holland at huge discounts.

Key growth market

China is the ninth-largest source country for Holland, with some 250,000 arrivals. This is still modest in terms of absolute numbers, however, the growth percentages make this a interesting growth market. The Chinese are also big spenders. They spend above-average amounts on their visit in Holland; well over EUR 1,250 per person per stay, compared with the average spend of approximately EUR 720. In the next ten years the number of Chinese visitors is expected to increase to over 800,000, which is more than triple the number in 2014. China is expected to have moved up to the top 5 of main source countries by then.

Chinese travel market

China is one of the fastest growing travel markets, and is the number one on the world ranking with respect to tourism spend. In 2014, 107 million Chinese people travelled  abroad (+19%) and they spent EUR 165 billion (+28%).

Visit Holland - hotels in regions:

Regions How many hotels in this region

Link to the hotels in these regions

Achterhoek 105 Hotels in this region
Betuwe 87 Hotels in this region
De Friese meren 91 Hotels in this region
De Kempen 227 Hotels in this region
Drenthe 185 Hotels in this region
Flevoland 42 Hotels in this region
Friesland 327 Hotels in this region
Gelderland 383 Hotels in this region
Goeree-Overflakkee 13 Hotels in this region
Groningen 117 Hotels in this region
Het Gooi 32 Hotels in this region
Heuvelland 63 Hotels in this region
IJsselmeer 134 Hotels in this region
Kop van Noord-Holland 50 Hotels in this region
Lauwersmeer 2 Hotels in this region
Limburg 459 Hotels in this region
Nederlandse Kust 706 Hotels in this region
Noord Beveland 23 Hotels in this region
Noord-Brabant 355 Hotels in this region
Noord-Holland 1299 Hotels in this region
Noord-Kennemerland 88 Hotels in this region
Overijssel 257 Hotels in this region
Salland 244 Hotels in this region
Schouwen-Duiveland 67 Hotels in this region
Tholen 6 Hotels in this region
Twente 122 Hotels in this region
Utrecht 133 Hotels in this region
Veluwe 162 Hotels in this region
Waddeneilanden 173 Hotels in this region
Walcheren 142 Hotels in this region
West-Friesland 43 Hotels in this region
Zaanstreek 17 Hotels in this region
Zeeland 324 Hotels in this region
Zeeuws-Vlaanderen 71 Hotels in this region
Zuid Beveland 15 Hotels in this region
Zuid Limburg 310 Hotels in this region
Zuid-Holland 445 Hotels in this region
Zuid-Kennemerland 169 Hotels in this region