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Doesburg is a municipality and a city in the eastern Netherlands in the province of Gelderland. Doesburg received city rights in 1237 and currently has 11,602 inhabitants (1 January 2007, source: CBS).

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Hof van Twente

Hof van Twente is a municipality in the eastern Netherlands, province Overijssel. The municipality came into being on January 1, 2001 as the result of the merger of the municipalities of Diepenheim, Goor, Markelo, Ambt Delden, and Stad Delden.

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Staphorst is a municipality and a town in the eastern Netherlands. The villages of Staphorst and its southern neighbour Rouveen came into existence as in the 13th century monks started to bring the bogs and swamps into culture.

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Vecht in Overijssel

The Vechte  or Vecht (in Dutch) (Dutch pronunciation: often called Overijsselse Vecht (Dutch pronunciation:in the Netherlands to avoid confusion with its Utrecht counterpart, is a river in Germany and the Netherlands. Its total length is 167 km, of which 107 km are on German soil.

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Zwolle is a municipality and the capital city of the province of Overijssel, Netherlands, 120 kilometres (75 mi) northeast of Amsterdam. It has about 120,000 citizens.

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