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Germany elements in Amsterdam

The ties between Germany and Amsterdam are almost as old as the Netherlands capital city itself. In 1323, Amsterdam was given the right to levy tolls on imported beer and the city became the centre of the thriving beer trade with Hamburg. The beer traders from Hamburg may well have been the first...

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USA - The United States in Amsterdam

Amsterdam has very old links with the United States. In 1780, John Adams opened the first American embassy in the world in Amsterdam. However, the first contacts with Amsterdam were actually much older. In 1609, Henry Hudson left Amsterdam’s Schreierstoren in his ship De Halve Maen. After...

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Amsterdam Museumplein - Museum Square

The Museumplein  - Museum Square is a public space in the borough Amsterdam South in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Located at the Museumplein are three major museums - the Rijksmuseum, Van Gogh Museum, and Stedelijk Museum - and the concert hall Concertgebouw.  The area was the location of the International...

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Canals of Amsterdam

Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, has been called the "Venice of the North" for its more than one hundred kilometres of canals, about 90 islands and 1,500 bridges.

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Keukenhof and tulips

Keukenhof, also known as the Garden of Europe, is the world's largest flower garden situated near Lisse, Netherlands. According to the official website for the Keukenhof Park, approximately 7,000,000 (seven million) flower bulbs are planted annually in the park, which covers an area of 32 hectare...

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